V médiach sa v súvislosti s vojnu v Sýrií rozpráva najmä o ľuďoch. Ale čo ostatné živé bytosti, ktoré za vojnu nemôžu? Ak vás niekedy zaujímalo, čo sa stalo napríklad s miestnou ZOO v meste Aleppo máme pre vás vcelku pozitívne správy.
9 miestnych zvierat konkrétne troch tigrov, dvoch medveďov a dve hyeny sa podarilo zachrániť a previesť do Turecka, kde sa o nich postará organizácia na ochranu zvierat.
Je vcelku úspech, že sa podarilo zachrániť aspoň niektoré vzácne zvieratá v úplne zbombardovanej a opustenej ZOO .To všetko by v však nebolo možné ak by neexistovali lokálni obyvatelia, ktorí sa o zvieratá starali.
Že zvieratá boli v úbohom stave sa môžete presvedčiť z fotografií.
Obyvatelia, ktorí sami časo trpeli nedostatkom dali dokopy zvyšky a malé časti jedla aby udržali zvieratá nažive. Miestny starí muž každý deň klopal na dvere miestnym a následne potravu zaniesol zvieratám v núdzi na ktorých sa ich majiteľ ZOO vykašľal hneď s príchodom vojny .
HAPPY ENDING FOR 13 ANIMALS FROM ALEPPO: Today, we want our mission leader Amir Khalil try find the right words for yesterday's mission: "Just the fact that the first nine animals were brought out of Syria is a miracle. It was an organizational and logistical feat. It makes us incredibly happy that we could rescue the remaining animals who were still suffering. We would not have been able to achieve this without the many Turkish volunteers, who helped with the logistics and provided us with important contacts on-site. Many of them took time out of their job or even came from abroad to help. We are also very grateful for the support of the Turkish government which opened the border for us. The help that we receive in Karacabey is tremendous. However, FOUR PAWS has a very good selection of options for the animals between our sanctuaries in Jordan, South Africa, and the Netherlands. Given the critical condition of some animals we need to transfer them to a place that is well-equipped for special medical treatments as soon as possible."And last but not least: Another big thank you goes to our FOUR PAWS colleagues on site, who have been planning and preparing this mission for several months. Who did not sleep in the last two weeks in order to work tirelessly for the four remaining animals. They did not give up until they could finally welcome the four remaining anmals. And yesterday, their work finally paid off. If you want to support our team and the 13 animals on their journey into a new life, we appreciate your donations: bit.ly/help-for-aleppo-animals-INT
Zveřejnil(a) FOUR PAWS International dne Sobota 29. července 2017
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