Vitajte pri 516. časti našej pravidelnej série Historické fotografie, ktoré vás vrátia do minulosti. V dnešnom vydaní nájdete napríklad visiaceho Alana Rickmana, ako natáča svoju vrcholnú scénu pre film Die Hard (1988), či americké tanky Sherman medzi stromami v Belgicku počas bitky v Ardenách na konci decembra 1944. Ďalej Christinu Aguileru pred 25 rokmi na silvestrovskom špeciále MTV 1999 alebo mladý pár a ich vianočný stromček circa v roku 1910.
Budúca princezná Diana, keď pracovala ako učiteľka v škole s 2 deťmi – september 1980
Future Princess Diana while she worked as a school teacher with 2 kids. This photos caused a minor scandal for her before her wedding with Charles, because the sun showed the shape of her legs. September of 1980.
byu/Electrical-Aspect-13 inHistoricalCapsule
Visiaci Alan Rickman natáča svoju vrcholnú scénu pre film Die Hard – 1988
Alan Rickman, hanging from the perms to shoot his climactic scene for „Die Hard“ (1988)
byu/Amaruq93 inOldSchoolCool
Panama Canal – 1922
Panama Canal, 1922, (1441×1086)
byu/cooxxone inHistoryPorn
Americké tanky Sherman medzi stromami v Belgicku počas bitky v Ardenách – koniec decembra 1944
US Sherman Tanks tucked into the trees in Belgium during the Battle of the Bulge, Late December 1944
byu/UrbanAchievers6371 inHistoryPorn
Christina Aguilera pred 25 rokmi na silvestrovskom špeciále MTV – 1999
Christina Aguilera 25 years ago for MTV New Year’s Eve special 1999-2000
byu/emeraldnob inOldSchoolCool
Deti sa hrajú v New Yorku – koniec 70. rokov minulého storočia
Children at play in NYC in the late 1970s. This is from a fantastic series of images by Camilo José Vergara titled ‚Old New York‘. I’ve created a gallery of my favourite images from this series, if you would like to see them I’ve posted the link in the comments.
byu/dannydutch1 inSnapshotHistory
John Walker Lindh, člen amerického Talibanu, po prevoze do tábora Rhino – 7. december 2001
John Walker Lindh, an American Taliban member, after being transported to Camp Rhino. December 7, 2001.
byu/ZERO_PORTRAIT inSnapshotHistory
Mladý pár a ich vianočný stromček – circa 1910
1910s Couple and their Christmas tree.
byu/Hooverpaul inTheWayWeWere
Albert a Elsa Einsteinovci v Japonsku s miestnymi hostiteľmi – 1922
Albert and Elsa Einstein in Japan with local hosts, 1922
byu/Big-Tipp inRareHistoricalPhotos
Demi Moore, Drew Barrymore, Lucy Liu a Cameron Diaz fotia promo pre film Charlie’s Angels – 2003
Demi Moore, Drew Barrymore, Lucy Liu and Cameron Diaz for Charlie’s Angels Full Throttle promo, 2003
byu/MarkReditto inpics
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