20 najsilnejších akčných fotografií pre rok 2016


Red Bull Illume je jedna z popredných fotografických súťaží zameraná na akčné a adrenalínové športy. Desiatky tisíc amatérskych ale aj profesionálnych fotografov sa každý rok účastnia tejto prestížnej súťaže ale 53 porotcov pustí ďalej iba pár šťastlivcov. Tento rok bolo prihlásených 34 624 fotografií a vybrali iba 5 646 naprieč 120 krajinami.

Hlavnú cenu si odniesol Lorenz Holder s úžasnou fotorafiou ako jazdec Senad Grosic na BMX prechádza na prednom kolese most v Nemecku.

Pozrite sa víťazov v 11 rôznych kategóriach:


Photographer: Lorenz Holder Red Bull Illume 2016 Category: Masterpiece Athlete: Senad Grosic Location: Gablenz, Germany
Photographer: Lorenz Holder Red Bull Illume 2016 Category: Masterpiece Athlete: Senad Grosic Location: Gablenz, Germany


Photographer: Jaanus Ree Red Bull Illume 2016 Category: New Creativity Athlete: Erik Orgo Location: Tallinn, Estonia
Photographer: Jaanus Ree Red Bull Illume 2016 Category: New Creativity Athlete: Erik Orgo Location: Tallinn, Estonia



Photographer: Victor Sukhorukov Red Bull Illume 2016 Category: Masterpiece Athlete: Semen Lazarev Location: San Salvador Island, Bahamas
Photographer: Victor Sukhorukov Red Bull Illume 2016 Category: Masterpiece Athlete: Semen Lazarev Location: San Salvador Island, Bahamas


Red Bull Illume Image Quest 2016, Category Finalist: Sequence Photographer Credit: Balázs Pálfi / Red Bull Illume Athlete: François Le Vot Location: Budapest, Hungary This image is free for editorial purposes ("Communication Use") only when used in relation to Red Bull Illume. Please note that the above Photographer Credit always needs to be applied. // Red Bull Illume 2016 // P-20160922-00660 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to www.redbullcontentpool.com for further information. //
Red Bull Illume Image Quest 2016, Category Finalist: Sequence Photographer Credit: Balázs Pálfi / Red Bull Illume Athlete: François Le Vot Location: Budapest, Hungary This image is free for editorial purposes („Communication Use“) only when used in relation to Red Bull Illume. Please note that the above Photographer Credit always needs to be applied. // Red Bull Illume 2016 // P-20160922-00660 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to www.redbullcontentpool.com for further information. //


Photographer: Markus Rohrbacher Red Bull Illume 2016 Category: Enhance Athletes: Arthur Longo, Gjermund Braaten and Ludwig Biltoft Location: Kitzsteinhorn, Austria
Photographer: Markus Rohrbacher Red Bull Illume 2016 Category: Enhance Athletes: Arthur Longo, Gjermund Braaten and Ludwig Biltoft Location: Kitzsteinhorn, Austria




Sage Kotzenburg, backside miller flip over a 13 foot stump. Vail Pass, Colorado. June 3, 2013
Sage Kotzenburg, backside miller flip over a 13 foot stump. Vail Pass, Colorado. June 3, 2013


Photographer: Ale Di Lullo Red Bull Illume 2016 Category: New Creativity Athlete: Aaron Chase Location: Brooklyn, New York, USA
Photographer: Ale Di Lullo Red Bull Illume 2016 Category: New Creativity Athlete: Aaron Chase Location: Brooklyn, New York, USA


Photographer: Daniel Vojtech Red Bull Illume 2016 Category: Sequence Athletes: Miroslav Krejci, Jan Rudzinskyj, Stanislav Cejka and Jan Tvrdik Location: Jaromer, Czech Republic
Photographer: Daniel Vojtech Red Bull Illume 2016 Category: Sequence Athletes: Miroslav Krejci, Jan Rudzinskyj, Stanislav Cejka and Jan Tvrdik Location: Jaromer, Czech Republic
Photographer: Ken Etzel Red Bull Illume 2016 Category: Playground Athlete: Wiz Fineron Location: Grampians, Australia
Photographer: Ken Etzel Red Bull Illume 2016 Category: Playground Athlete: Wiz Fineron Location: Grampians, Australia


Photographer: Scott Serfas Red Bull Illume 2016 Category: Sequence Athlete: Thomas Genon Location: Retallack, Canada
Photographer: Scott Serfas Red Bull Illume 2016 Category: Sequence Athlete: Thomas Genon Location: Retallack, Canada




Photographer: Gaps Sabuero Red Bull Illume 2016 Category: Masterpiece Athlete: Manuel Melindo Location: Siargao Island, Philippines
Photographer: Gaps Sabuero Red Bull Illume 2016 Category: Masterpiece Athlete: Manuel Melindo Location: Siargao Island, Philippines




Red Bull Illume Image Quest 2016, Category Winner: Playground Photographer Credit: Lorenz Holder / Red Bull Illume Athlete: Senad Grosic Location: Senftenberg, Germany This image is free for editorial purposes ("Communication Use") only when used in relation to Red Bull Illume. Please note that the above Photographer Credit always needs to be applied. // Red Bull Illume 2016 // P-20160922-00618 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to www.redbullcontentpool.com for further information. //
Red Bull Illume Image Quest 2016, Category Winner: Playground Photographer Credit: Lorenz Holder / Red Bull Illume Athlete: Senad Grosic Location: Senftenberg, Germany This image is free for editorial purposes („Communication Use“) only when used in relation to Red Bull Illume. Please note that the above Photographer Credit always needs to be applied. // Red Bull Illume 2016 // P-20160922-00618 // Usage for editorial use only // Please go to www.redbullcontentpool.com for further information. //


Photographer: Sebastian Wahlhuetter Red Bull Illume 2016 Category: Sequence Athlete: Andrea Maruna Location: Vienna, Austria
Photographer: Sebastian Wahlhuetter Red Bull Illume 2016 Category: Sequence Athlete: Andrea Maruna Location: Vienna, Austria




Photographer: Tim Kemple Red Bull Illume 2016 Category: New Creativity Athlete: Rahel Schelb Location: Iceland
Photographer: Tim Kemple Red Bull Illume 2016 Category: New Creativity Athlete: Rahel Schelb Location: Iceland


Photographer: Frank Kretschmann Red Bull Illume 2016 Category: Lifestyle Athletes: Mayan Smith Gobat and Ben Rueck Location: Piedra Riscada, Brazil
Photographer: Frank Kretschmann Red Bull Illume 2016 Category: Lifestyle Athletes: Mayan Smith Gobat and Ben Rueck Location: Piedra Riscada, Brazil




zdroj: Red Bull Illume

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