20 ilustrovaných faktov z rôznych oblastí, ktoré vám rozšíria obzory


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V Poľsku stojí takáto socha Ježiša, ktorá slúži ako Wi-Fi anténa:

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There is a giant statue of Jesus in Poland that serves as a Wi-Fi antenna⁠ ⁠ Pomnik Chrystusa Króla, or “Christ the King”, is a statue in Western Poland, a few metres taller than the similar-looking but much more famous Cristo Redentor in Rio de Janeiro. It is a far more modern statue however: its crown hosts a variety of antennas that are broadcasting an internet signal. Only no one seems to know why exactly, besides the fact that they were requested by the Church itself. ⁠ ⁠ Source (short url): factourism.com/source/wifi-jesus ⁠ ⁠ #factourism #facts #fact #factsdaily #dailyfacts #interestingfacts #instafacts #amazingfact #truefacts #worldfacts #coolfacts #allfacts #factoftheday #factsoflife #funfacts #didyouknow #illo #illustration #illustrators #vectorillustration #drawing #jesusmemes #poland?? #visitpoland #pomnikchrystusakróla #christtheking #cristoredentor #wifi #wifi?

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Ľudia zjedia 10 miliónov mačiek každý rok:

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People eat 10 million cats every year⁠ ⁠ It is estimated that 10,000,000 cats and 30,000,000 dogs are killed each year for their meat. About a third of it is happening in China, where the practice is however not that widespread: it is only confined to some regions and around 20% of the population have eaten dog meat, for instance.⁠ ⁠ Source (short url): factourism.com/source/eating-cats ⁠ ⁠⁠ #factourism #facts #fact #factsdaily #dailyfacts #interestingfacts #instafacts #amazingfact #truefacts #worldfacts #coolfacts #allfacts #factoftheday #factsoflife #funfacts #didyouknow #drawing #cats? #cats_of_instworld #cats_of_day #catloversworld #catloverclub #notocatmeat #catmeat #cateating #recipeshare #meateater #meateaters #carnivorediet #carnivores

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Keby Zem bola zrnkom piesku, tak Slnko by bolo tenisová loptička:

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If the Earth were the size of a grain of sand, the Sun would be the size of a tennis ball⁠ ⁠ {Weekend Repost}⁠ The Earth is 12,756 km wide, and the Sun 1,392,000 km. If we scale them down to a familiar scale, with a Sun of 7,5 cm wide, the Earth would be more than 100 times smaller, not even reaching 1 mm in diameter. Keeping the same downscale, our second nearest star after the Sun, Proxima Centauri, would be… 2370 km away (4.3 light years in reality).⁠ ⁠⁠ Source (short url): factourism.com/source/tennis-sun⁠ ⁠ #factourism #facts #fact #factsdaily #dailyfacts #interestingfacts #instafacts #amazingfact #truefacts #worldfacts #coolfacts #allfacts #factoftheday #factsoflife #funfacts #didyouknow #illo #illustration #illustrators #vectorillustration #drawing #astronomylover #astronomyfacts #astronomypicturesdaily #earth_pix #spaceexploration #solarsystem #planetary #theplanets #worlds

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Vesmírny oblek stojí 12 miliónov dolárov:

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A space suit costs 12 million US dollars⁠ ⁠ There is so much research and testing and craft involved in making space suits, and so few of them produced, that NASA spends that much on them. However, some other companies are now developing less expensive suits, with prices closer to $150,000 for instance.⁠ ⁠ Source (short url): factourism.com/source/space-suit ⁠ ⁠ #factourism #facts #fact #factsdaily #dailyfacts #interestingfacts #instafacts #amazingfact #truefacts #worldfacts #coolfacts #allfacts #factoftheday #factsoflife #funfacts #didyouknow #illo #illustration #illustrators #vectorillustration #drawing #spacesuit #spacesuits #spaceflight #astronautlife #thriftstore #fashionshopping #jumpsuits

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V dobe, kedy žili dinosaury, trval deň 23 hodín:

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In the age of the dinosaurs, a day lasted no more than 23 hours⁠ ⁠ The Earth has been little by little slowing down, and was rotating far faster in its beginnings. The gravitational forces exerted by the Moon, however, is acting like a brake. As a consequence, the days are getting about two milliseconds longer each century. During the Mesozoic era, when dinosaurs lived, the days would have been in between 21 hours and 23 hours.⁠ ⁠ Source (short url): factourism.com/source/dinosaur-time ⁠ ⁠ #factourism #facts #fact #factsdaily #dailyfacts #interestingfacts #instafacts #amazingfact #truefacts #worldfacts #coolfacts #allfacts #factoftheday #factsoflife #funfacts #didyouknow #illo #illustration #illustrators #vectorillustration #drawing #dinosaursofinstagram #ilovedinosaurs #dinosaursarecool #dinos #dinosaurart #mesozoic

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Topánky Neila Armstronga sú stále vo vesmíre:

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Neil Armstrong’s boots are still in space⁠ ⁠ On July 20, 1969, the Eagle lunar module landed on the Moon, Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong on board. They stepped on it, said some nice words, planted a flag, walked around a bit. At one point however, they had to go home. So they flew off, but not before losing as much weight in the spacecraft as possible, especially since they picked up some nice rocks during their visit. Neil Armstrong’s boots are part of what has been jettisoned before returning home.⁠ ⁠ Source (short url): factourism.com/source/space-boots⁠ ⁠ #factourism #facts #fact #factsdaily #dailyfacts #interestingfacts #instafacts #amazingfact #truefacts #worldfacts #coolfacts #allfacts #factoftheday #factsoflife #funfacts #didyouknow #illo #illustration #illustrators #vectorillustration #drawing #moonwalkers #moonmagic #moonlanding #spacesuit #neilarmstrong #nasa?#apollo11 #moon?#apollo11anniversary

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Existuje toľko veľa odrôd jabĺk, že by človeku trvalo 20 rokov, kým by všetky ochutnal s tým, že by zjedol jedno jablko denne:

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There are so many varieties of apples that it would take over 20 years to taste them all if you ate one every day  We know more than 7,500 cultivars of apples. Some are good for eating, others are better for cider, jelly, or ornamentation, certain are quite old and not fit for mass production.  Source (short url): factourism.com/source/apple-varieties  #factourism #facts #fact #factsdaily #dailyfacts #interestingfacts #instafacts #amazingfact #truefacts #worldfacts #coolfacts #allfacts #factoftheday #factsoflife #funfacts #didyouknow #illo #illustration #illustrators #vectorillustration #drawing #apples #fruitsandveggies #fruitstagram #eatyourfruits #fruitslover #appletrees #appletree #cultivar #agriculturelife

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V Číne sa sa pred 2 500 rokmi používali peniaze v tvare noža:

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Money shaped like knives was used in China 2500 years ago  During the Zhou dynasty, from around 600 to 200 B.C., various kingdoms of China had dummy knives as a currency. The origin of this practise is not exactly known, while it has probably to do with starting to accept payment with knives proper from people who were running low on other kinds of money. The practise stickers and years later, actual knife money was being cast from bronze. Meanwhile, in another part of China, people were using spade-shaped money.  Source (short url): factourism.com/source/knife-money  #factourism #facts #fact #factsdaily #dailyfacts #interestingfacts #instafacts #amazingfact #truefacts #worldfacts #coolfacts #allfacts #factoftheday #factsoflife #funfacts #didyouknow #illo #illustration #illustrators #vectorillustration #drawing #knivesdaily #pocketknives #knivesofinstagram #chinesehistory #oldmoney #oldcoins #money? #vendingmachine

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Ženský ľavý prsník je väčšinou väčší ako pravý:

Vo Francúzsku popravovali ľudí na gilotíne do roku 1977:

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France didn’t stop executing people by guillotine until 1977⠀ ⠀ On September 10, 1977, less than 50 years ago, the torturer and murderer Hamida Djandoubi was executed with a guillotine. It was the last time the instrument was used in France since its introduction in the 18th century, as death penalty was abolished in 1980. A few months later, on December 14, 1977, the film Saturday Night Fever with John Travolta started playing in cinemas.⠀ ⠀ Source (short url): factourism.com/source/seventies-guillotine⠀ ⠀ #factourism #facts #fact #factsdaily #dailyfacts #interestingfacts #instafacts #amazingfact #truefacts #worldfacts #coolfacts #allfacts #factoftheday #factsoflife #funfacts #didyouknow #illo #illustration #illustrators #vectorillustration #drawing #guillotine #executioner #decapitation #francehistory #deathpenalty #saturdaynightfever #johntravolta

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Lietadlá jazdia dnes pomalšie, ako kedysi:

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Airplanes fly slower today than they did in the past⠀ ⠀ A flight from New York to Houston in 1973 took about 2,5 hours. It now takes almost 4 hours. This slowing down of flights is generalised. One reason has to do with fuel consumption: flying slower uses less fuel and airlines are making economies like this, especially in a time when the price of fuel raised a lot. Another reason is a practise known as “schedule padding”: airlines plan for generous flight times to avoid getting in the situation of being late.⠀ ⠀ Source (short url): factourism.com/source/flying-speed⠀ ⠀ #factourism #facts #fact #factsdaily #dailyfacts #interestingfacts #instafacts #amazingfact #truefacts #worldfacts #coolfacts #allfacts #factoftheday #factsoflife #funfacts #didyouknow #illo #illustration #illustrators #vectorillustration #drawing #airplanespotting #airplanespotters #airplanemode #planesofinstagram #flights #flightlog #flight✈️ #airliner

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Každý deň 6 000 000 dolárov je roztrhnutých a použitých v komposte:

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Each day 6,000,000 US dollars are shredded and turned into compost⠀ ⠀ Bank notes that are too old and torn or written on get removed from circulation and end up being shredded. In the US, it is $6,000,000 that are cut in pieces daily. These piles of small bits of money used to get in landfill, but are now taken to a compost facility were they are blend with other waste and turned to soil.⠀ ⠀ Source (short url): factourism.com/source/dollars-compost⠀ ⠀ #factourism #facts #fact #factsdaily #dailyfacts #interestingfacts #instafacts #amazingfact #truefacts #worldfacts #coolfacts #allfacts #factoftheday #factsoflife #funfacts #didyouknow #illo #illustration #illustrators #vectorillustration #drawing #dollarbills #banknotesoftheworld #moneymoneymoney #money? #moneygram?? #papermoney #composting #compostable #compostbin

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Mnoho rúžov obsahuje rybie šupiny:

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Many lipsticks contain fish scales⠀ ⠀ There are a lot of ingredients in a lipstick: for instance beeswax, Carnauba wax from palm trees, lanolin from wool, castor oil from beans, any dye either from vegetal, animal, or synthetic origin, and sometimes guanine, a substance that can be found in fish scales and gives the product a pearl-like appearance.⠀ ⠀ Source (short url): factourism.com/source/fish-lipstick⠀ ⠀ #factourism #facts #fact #factsdaily #dailyfacts #interestingfacts #instafacts #amazingfact #truefacts #worldfacts #coolfacts #allfacts #factoftheday #factsoflife #funfacts #didyouknow #illo #illustration #illustrators #vectorillustration #drawing #lipsticks #lipstickjunkie #lipstickaddict #lipsticklover #lipstick? #lipstickswatch #lipsticklovers #fishscales

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Najkratší eskalátor na svete je v Kawasaki, v Japonsku:

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The world’s shortest escalator is located in Kawasaki, Japan⠀ ⠀ The world’s shortest escalator is located i⠀ The city of Kawasaki, midway between Tokyo and Yokohama, is the host of a department store named More’s, which itself houses the world’s shortest escalator, a 4.6 seconds ride located in the basement.⠀ ⠀ Source (short url): factourism.com/source/shortest-escalator⠀ ⠀ #factourism #facts #fact #factsdaily #dailyfacts #interestingfacts #instafacts #amazingfact #truefacts #worldfacts #coolfacts #allfacts #factoftheday #factsoflife #funfacts #didyouknow #illo #illustration #illustrators #vectorillustration #drawing #川崎モアーズ #kawasakimores #escalators #stairsandsteps #haikustairs #world_record

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Človek bol na Mesiaci skôr, ako sa začali vyrábať kufre s kolieskami:

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Humans put a man on the Moon before they put wheels on luggage⠀ ⠀ {Weekend Repost}⠀ On July 20, 1969, astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first people to walk on the Moon. Meanwhile, their fellow humans back on Earth still had to carry their suitcases. Until Bernard Sadow, while on a trip back from Aruba, realised that adding wheels on luggage would be a good idea. It was hard to convince investors at first (“Nobody’s going to pull a piece of luggage with wheels on it!”), but finally managed to sold the first suitcases in October 1970. As for the form we know today, vertical suitcases with two larger wheels and a pull-out handle, humanity had to wait until pilot Bob Plath started his own luggage company in the late 1980s.⠀ ⠀ Source (short url): factourism.com/source/moon-luggage-wheels⠀ ⠀ #factourism #facts #fact #factsdaily #dailyfacts #interestingfacts #instafacts #amazingfact #truefacts #worldfacts #coolfacts #allfacts #factoftheday #factsoflife #funfacts #didyouknow #illo #illustration #illustrators #vectorillustration #drawing #inventions #luggagebag #vintageluggage #carryonluggage #travelluggage #moonlanding #travellingram #travellinggram #travellingourplanet

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Vo Wisconsine je legálne, keď dieťa v akomkoľvek veku pije v bare alkohol:

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In Wisconsin, it’s legal for children of any age to drink alcohol in a bar⠀ ⠀ The alcohol laws in this US state are very permissive: drunken drivers are not charged until they have been arrested five times, sobriety checks by the police are not permitted, and minors can drink alcohol in bar, as long as a parent or legal guardian is with them. A coalition led by the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine is now campaigning for State to put itself together and get better regulations.⠀ ⠀ Source (short url): factourism.com/source/wisconsin-alcohol-kids⠀ ⠀ #factourism #facts #fact #factsdaily #dailyfacts #interestingfacts #instafacts #amazingfact #truefacts #worldfacts #coolfacts #allfacts #factoftheday #factsoflife #funfacts #didyouknow #illo #illustration #illustrators #vectorillustration #drawing #discoverwisconsin #onlyinwisconsin #wisconsinmade #wisconsinstories #alcoholism #alcoholic #alcoholicdrinks #underagedrinking

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Ľudské telo obsahuje 0,2 mg zlata:

V roku 2017 zmizol každú sekundu les o veľkosti futbalového ihriska:

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One football pitch of forest was lost every second in 2017⁣ ⁣ The Global Forest Watch reported in 2017 the loss of 29.4m hectares of forest, the equivalent of the area of Italy in a year. Taken per second, the surface destructed is more than a football pitch. That amount of tree destruction is a massive threat both to climate and to wildlife, as global forest loss have doubled since 2003.⁣ ⁣ Source (short url): factourism.com/source/football-forest⁣ ⁣ #factourism #facts #fact #factsdaily #dailyfacts #interestingfacts #instafacts #amazingfact #truefacts #worldfacts #coolfacts #allfacts #factoftheday #factsoflife #funfacts #didyouknow #illo #illustration #illustrators #vectorillustration #drawing #deforestation #environmental #environmentalism #climate #ecological #forestecology #biodiversity #ecosystem #habitat

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Jedenie čokolády dokáže zlepšiť vaše matematické schopnosti:

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Eating chocolate could improve your math skills⁣ ⁣ {Weekend Repost}⁣ Chocolate, especially when dark, contains flavanol, a compound that increases the flow of blood in the brain, helping with mentally challenging tasks. An experiment asked thirty participants to count backwards by steps of three from a random number between 800 and 999. The subjects were able to do the countdown quicker and better when then just had a cup of hot chocolate. Note that flavanol is also present in fruits and vegetables.⁣ ⁣ Source (short url): factourism.com/source/math-chocolate⁣ ⁣ #factourism #facts #fact #factsdaily #dailyfacts #interestingfacts #instafacts #amazingfact #truefacts #worldfacts #coolfacts #allfacts #factoftheday #factsoflife #funfacts #didyouknow #illo #illustration #illustrators #vectorillustration #drawing #chocolatelovers #chocolatebar #chocolate? #chocolateoverload #chocolateporn #maths #mathematics #algebra #calculus

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Skôr si zapamätáte to, čo je napísané modrým perom, než to, čo je napísané čiernym perom:

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You are more likely to remember something you’ve written in blue ink than something you’ve written in black ink⁣ ⁣ An experiment asking its participants to recall words written in different colours came to the conclusion that words written blue got a little better memorised than words written in black. And if you seriously want to remember something, red is the clear winner of the test.⁣ ⁣ Source (short link): factourism.com/source/blue-ink⁣ ⁣ #factourism #facts #fact #factsdaily #dailyfacts #interestingfacts #instafacts #amazingfact #truefacts #worldfacts #coolfacts #allfacts #factoftheday #factsoflife #funfacts #didyouknow #illo #illustration #illustrators #vectorillustration #drawing #ballpoint #bic #pens #colorpen #colorpens #remembering #recall #todos #bulletjournaling

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Zuzana Kostelníková
Ahojte, volám sa Zuzana, keďže ešte študujem na vysokej škole, presnejšie na fakulte verejnej správy, tak mám aj dostatok voľného času. Ten venujem najmä vám - čitateľom a to tým, že sa vám snažím prinášať tie najzaujímavejšie a najaktuálnejšie informácie z celého sveta, ale aj z domova. Okrem písania mi môj voľný čas zaberá motorka, mám rada šport, šoférovanie a ako každá žena milujem nakupovanie.
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